What AI tells about my blog

I gave Google's NotebookLM a try, added just my blog's link to it and hit the button to create a podcast. The result is impressive!

What AI tells about my blog
Picture Generated by ChatGPT
NotebookLM generated podcast based on my blog: ayata.tech

Above is one of the outcomes and I am impressed! Here is how I see the podcast and overall NotebookLM platform.

Voices in the Podcast

The audio has a clear voice and it sounds really just natural. The expressions I hear are hard to differentiate from real.

Audio Script

I find the generated audio, namely the podcast, very successful. I agree that it understands well what I try to explain and even adds its own style to address key points of my blog. I was not sure whether if it could get what I meant by my "How to kill a talent?" post, but it really got the points and humour there. Most of the content generated is very relevant and based on the facts from my content.

On the gap to improve, I found two points:

  • Rarely I heard some distortion but this was around 100 ms or so.
  • 2 out of 5 podcasts ended unexpectedly. It was clear that the audio is approaching to the end, but it could have one or two more sentences to finish in a more natural way.

Generated Text

NotebookLM provides a pretty good brief description and summary that clearly lists the highlights of what I explain in my blog. It gets the main idea easily and list shortly relevant information around them.

Q & A for the blog

The tool generates also Q&A section and gives potential answers for them. You can also ask any question, and it will try to answer based on the content you provide, i.e. my blog. Both questions and answers are relevant to the text, and addressing the key points of the blog. I find them pretty much summarising the content.

My Summary

Despite some gaps to improve, I find NotebookLM overall pretty successful. It sounds natural and the content is high quality. I recommend it for various purposes, such as summarising long content, understanding key points of an article or obviously creating podcasts as well!

Sounds Interesting?

If you find this podcast interesting, I recommend you checkout my book The Three Pillars of Effective Technical Leadership, which provides a wider and deeper content based on practices and methods to create effective development teams, already available on amazon below.


Audio generated by Googles NotebookLM: https://notebooklm.google.com/
Picture generated by ChatGPT: https://openai.com/index/chatgpt/

The Three Pillars of Effective Technical Leadership: https://amzn.eu/d/58heh3G