Mesut Ayata

Mesut Ayata Hi there, welcome to my blog!

I am interested in and love to share my experience in "Creating High Performance Teams", "Tech Excellence", "Building Safe Environments", "Servant Leadership", "Mentoring and Enabling People", "Future Mobility", "Autonomous Driving" etc.

I started my professional journey in 2006, having gained experience in development, system architecture and tech leadership in the areas such as Search Engines, Machine Learning, Digital Transformation, Cloud Applications and High Traffic Distributed Systems. I worked in several companies such as Thoughtworks, MOIA, Trivago across several teams and domains.

I have completed Oxford University - Executive Leadership Programme in 2022, hold a Masters degree (2010) from the Informatics Institute and a Bachelor degree (2007) from  Computer branch of Electrical & Electronics Engineering at METU.

My Certificates

My hobbies can be listed as listening to and making music, playing musical instruments, woodwork, biking, hiking, travelling, dancing, photography, nature and so on.

Any questions? Please contact me.